• Cornish FPO sets out pre-election stall

    Cornish FPO sets out pre-election stall

    17th June 2024

    The Cornish FPO published last week a detailed analysis and take-down of issues around the increase in blanket marine conservation measures. ‘Setting the national security balance: food, energy and nature’. The PO argues that ensuring food security, the future of…

  • Industry critical of Irish MPA analysis

    Industry critical of Irish MPA analysis

    3rd August 2023

    Failure to address ‘key issues’ means report has ‘significant data gaps’ Two Irish fishing industry organisations have said that a recent ecological analysis of the western Irish Sea for MPA designation ‘should not be used’ for informing offshore renewable planning.…

  • Threat of bottom trawl ban in 13 MPAs

    Threat of bottom trawl ban in 13 MPAs

    26th January 2023

    The MMO has launched a consultation on proposals to ban bottom trawling in another 13 MPAs in English waters, reports Tim Oliver. They are the latest stage in ‘an ambitious programme to protect all 40 English offshore MPAs from harmful…

  • Pressure for bottom-trawling ban in MPAs

    Pressure for bottom-trawling ban in MPAs

    19th July 2022

    Fisheries minister Victoria Prentis has stressed the need to work with the fishing industry when deciding on restrictions on bottom trawling in MPAs, reports Tim Oliver. Some MPs are calling for bans on all bottom mobile gear in all MPAs,…

  • Five pilot no-take zones in English waters

    Five pilot no-take zones in English waters

    30th June 2022

    Defra has announced proposals for the first of a number of highly protected marine areas (HPMAs) in English waters where all fishing will be banned – effectively ‘no-take zones’, reports Tim Oliver. The setting up of a network of HMPAs…

  • Call for 18-fold increase in Irish MPAs

    Call for 18-fold increase in Irish MPAs

    14th June 2022

    A new report from Fair Seas, a campaign led by a coalition of Irish environmental NGOs and networks, identifies ‘areas of interest’ for potential Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Irish waters, and says that Irish MPAs must increase 18-fold by…

  • Move to ban bottom trawling in MPAs

    Move to ban bottom trawling in MPAs

    14th March 2022

    NFFO warns of damage to businesses and displacement MPs have introduced a new bill to restrict bottom trawling in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), reports Tim Oliver. Introducing the private members’ bill, which will ‘regulate and limit the practice of bottom…

  • Oceana renews attack on bottom trawling

    Oceana renews attack on bottom trawling

    6th January 2022

    The UK government’s intention to issue over 1,000 licences to EU and UK fishing vessels for 2022 permitting them to bottom trawl in UK Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is in contravention of the Habitats Regulations, which could make the licences…

  • Industry ‘needs compensation for loss of grounds’

    Industry ‘needs compensation for loss of grounds’

    22nd November 2021

    Exclusion by wind farms and MPAs ‘threatens future’ DEFRA secretary George Eustice was asked last week whether the government will compensate fishermen for the growing loss of fishing grounds due to the expanding offshore wind farm sector, MPAs and other…


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