
  • Ports in the past…

    Ports in the past…

    7th March 2019

    Peterhead  harbour of yesteryear While Peterhead – which established a new port record of £202m in 2018 – continues to be the main fishing port in Britain by some considerable margin, this selection of photographs, all of which were taken…

  • Amethyst – polishing a Summers gem at Lochaline

    Amethyst – polishing a Summers gem at Lochaline

    22nd February 2019

    Built in 1960 at the Fraserburgh boatyard of T Summers & Co, the traditional Fraserburgh yawl Amethyst has recently been lovingly refurbished at Lochaline, reports David Linkie Nearly three years ago, Malcolm Burge and Kay Nuttall fulfilled a long-cherished ambition…

  • Innovative ideas on customised twin-rig prawn trawler Westro

    Innovative ideas on customised twin-rig prawn trawler Westro

    8th February 2019

    Macduff Shipyards delivers third new boat to Peterhead skipper, two months ahead of schedule Peterhead skipper James West and the crew of the 21.5m twin-rig prawn trawler Westro PD 20 were expected to sail from their home port this week…

  • New entrants sharpen skillset

    New entrants sharpen skillset

    24th January 2019

    The Scottish Maritime Academy, based in Peterhead, recently piloted Knife Skills as part of the Seafish Introduction to Commercial Fishing course. Students learned about knife skills… Centre manager Linda Hope said: “Knife skills are such a crucial part of the…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 24.01.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 24.01.19

    22nd January 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Brexit in turmoil – KFO seeks Brexit mitigation measures – Peterhead catch value exceeds £200m for first time – Public consultation on quota balancing for demersal fish stocks – Marine Scotland…

  • Festive lights at Peterhead

    Festive lights at Peterhead

    3rd January 2019

    More than 20 boats berthed in Peterhead harbour are illuminating the night sky with thousands of Christmas lights, reports David Linkie As whitefish vessels landed their last trips of the year, their crews followed the lead of two midwater trawlers…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 03.01.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 03.01.19

    1st January 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Chokes dominate council – NFFO perspective on fisheries council – National ban on salmon netting – UK will ban electric pulse trawling – New Irish legislation for Penalty Points System on…

  • Boat of the Week: Guiding Light H 90

    Boat of the Week: Guiding Light H 90

    7th November 2018

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Guiding Light H 90 LOA: 26m Built: Parkol Marine Engineering Whitby 2018 Type: Pair-seiner Home port: Peterhead We’ll be back next week with our latest boat focus.…


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