• North Sea cod cut blast

    North Sea cod cut blast

    6th January 2020

    N Sea cod cut ‘may end fishery as we know it’ Greens, Brussels and MSY under fire Eight fishermen’s organisations with North Sea interests have blasted the decision taken at the December Fisheries Council to cut the North Sea cod…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 26.12.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 26.12.19

    23rd December 2019

      – Final Fish Council for UK – ‘Relentless’ focus on MSY blamed for TAC cuts – Cod cut major blow for Scottish industry – Greens criticise TACs above scientific level – Welsh minister: ‘Bass number one priority’ – ‘Reasonable’…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 07.11.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 07.11.19

    5th November 2019

      – ‘Challenging’ 2020 TACs – Tilly WD 3 – first new beam trawler for Ireland – Warning on Brexit implementation delay – £1.1m funding to improve safety of Scottish industry – Progress on using fishermen’s data – Virtuous first…

  • ‘Extremely challenging’ TAC plans, warns Scots minister

    ‘Extremely challenging’ TAC plans, warns Scots minister

    4th November 2019

    Scotland’s fisheries minister has warned of an ‘extremely challenging picture’ for next year’s fishing opportunities, particularly for whitefish stocks, reports Tim Oliver With most of the European Commission’s proposals for the 2020 TACs now announced, there are cuts in the…

  • Vision for Scots future

    Vision for Scots future

    11th March 2019

    Wide-ranging debate on Scots industry future Scotland’s fishing industry is being asked to take part in a wide-ranging discussion on the Scottish government’s vision for the future of fisheries, reports Tim Oliver Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing launched a national…

  • Chokes dominate council

    Chokes dominate council

    1st January 2019

    Council moves to avoid chokes as discards ban kicks in Efforts to avoid choke species, particularly those with zero TACs, dominated difficult two-day December council negotiations that brought cuts in some important TACs but increases in others, reports Tim Oliver…

  • ‘Perfect storm’ fish council

    ‘Perfect storm’ fish council

    17th December 2018

    Tough trade-offs to navigate at fisheries council EU fisheries ministers were facing ‘a perfect storm’ as they met to reach agreement on TACs and fishing opportunities for 2019 at this week’s fisheries council, reports Tim Oliver The council was being…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 15.11.18

    New Issue: Fishing News 15.11.18

    13th November 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Gains and losses in 2019 TAC proposals – Inshore sector voices Brexit concerns – UK fishing fleet turnover reaches £1bn – Potting boat sinks off North Norfolk – MAIB report on…

  • Industry gears up for December Council

    Industry gears up for December Council

    21st November 2017

    Mixed bag as Commission aims for MSY by 2020. Industry leaders and fisheries officials are preparing UK negotiating priorities for the annual Fisheries Council due to be held on 11-12 December, reports Tim Oliver. The Commission has published its proposals…

  • FFL: Brexit could bring £1.6bn benefit to UK economy

    FFL: Brexit could bring £1.6bn benefit to UK economy

    26th January 2017

    Brexit could bring ‘colossal’ £1.6bn benefit to UK economy. Reclaiming UK fishing waters should be worth £1.6 billion to Britain’s coastal communities and economy, claims Fishing for Leave (FFL). And when the approximate value increase from net to plate is…


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