
  • IVMS: MMO confirms extension and reapproves terminal

    IVMS: MMO confirms extension and reapproves terminal

    15th March 2022

    The MMO announced last week, in a statement posted on its website, a seven-week extension to the deadline for installation of IVMS terminals by English 10-12m vessels, and also reinstated the Maritime Systems terminal on its approved list. The suspension,…

  • New code classes this boat as unsafe!

    New code classes this boat as unsafe!

    31st January 2022

    Experts contest new requirements Under the new MCA code for under-15m vessels, this boat – pictured above after rescuing the crew of an upturned yacht off the Isle of Wight – would be deemed to be unsafe, until it blocks…

  • New rules for English flagships

    New rules for English flagships

    10th January 2022

    Economic links strengthened after consultation Thirteen months after the public consultation closed, Defra has finally confirmed the new arrangements that will be applied to foreign-owned vessels registered in England, reports Andy Read. These vessels, which are mainly Spanish- and Dutch-owned,…

  • Readers’ Photos 2021: The Winners

    Readers’ Photos 2021: The Winners

    7th January 2022

    Last year saw a record number of entries to our annual readers’ photo competition. The high quality of the pictures received over the year made selecting these seven shortlisted photographs a challenge – but the eventual verdict of the Fishing…

  • France withdraws licence threats as talks continue

    France withdraws licence threats as talks continue

    8th November 2021

    Jersey warns of dangers of giving in France withdrew its threats to retaliate against the UK in the licensing dispute last week, as the sides continued to negotiate over whether more French licences can be granted, reports Tim Oliver. More…

  • Additional quota for capped licence vessels remains open

    Additional quota for capped licence vessels remains open

    25th October 2021

    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has announced that it will accept new applications by capped licence vessels for additional quota until early December following a positive early response to its initiative. Under this scheme, which is being run in partnership…

  • French fury as UK announces 6-12 licences

    French fury as UK announces 6-12 licences

    4th October 2021

    Only 12 of 47 applications granted for under-12s French officials and politicians have reacted furiously to the UK publication of a list of EU under-12m vessels that will be licensed to fish in the UK six to 12-mile zone, reports…

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