• Fishing Into The Future relaunches residential workshops

    Fishing Into The Future relaunches residential workshops

    14th September 2023

    The industry-led charity Fishing into the Future (FITF) has launched a new round of its Fisheries Education Research Education Programme (F-REP) residential events. The three-day residential workshops take place at locations around the country and aim to provide the ‘opportunity…

  • Consultation on offshore wind south of Ireland

    Consultation on offshore wind south of Ireland

    13th September 2023

    The views of Ireland’s south coast fishing industry and coastal residents are being sought as part of a statutory public consultation on offshore wind energy developments. Ireland’s Department of Environment, Climate and Communications says that the initial proposed geographical area…

  • Closing arguments as economic link conditions tested in court

    Closing arguments as economic link conditions tested in court

    13th September 2023

    A court hearing asking judges to rule against the Scottish government’s new economic link requirements was nearing conclusion as FN went press at the end of last week. The three-day hearing, held at the High Court in Edinburgh, was taken…

  • UK Seafood Innovation Fund: Getting SeaWise about vessel stability

    UK Seafood Innovation Fund: Getting SeaWise about vessel stability

    12th September 2023

    With the UK Seafood Innovation Fund’s latest research and development projects underway, Fishing News is delving into some of the innovations that the fund has supported. This week: a technology designed to save fishermen’s lives by alerting them when their…

  • Talk to us! Plea from NFFO as transport minister maintains silence on ML5

    Talk to us! Plea from NFFO as transport minister maintains silence on ML5

    12th September 2023

    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO), which was in Westminster last week briefing MPs on various current issues around fishermen’s safety, made an impassioned plea to MPs asking them to engage with Mark Harper (pictured above), the secretary of…

  • New Quantus on order from Westcon

    New Quantus on order from Westcon

    11th September 2023

    MV Quantus Ltd and Peter & J Johnstone Ltd have placed an order for a new 75m pelagic trawler with Westcon Yards AS. The vessel, like its three predecessors, is being designed by Salt Ship Design. All four new-build vessels…

  • A Day In The Life Of: SeaFit programme manager Carol Elliott

    A Day In The Life Of: SeaFit programme manager Carol Elliott

    11th September 2023

    “Meeting some of the fishermen – there are some real characters out there!” Carol Elliott, SeaFit manager told Fishing News. “Recently we held a health event with Dentaid, The Dental Charity, and one fisherman came out holding a tooth that…

  • Squid study demonstrates success of involving fishers in management

    Squid study demonstrates success of involving fishers in management

    7th September 2023

    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), an international NGO based in Hawaii that works towards sustainable fisheries management, published a paper at the end of August that provides further evidence that involving small- scale fishermen and processors in fisheries management decisions…

  • Fisheries and Seafood Scheme fully allocated for 2023

    Fisheries and Seafood Scheme fully allocated for 2023

    7th September 2023

    Grants under the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS) have now exceeded the budget for 2023, and the scheme has closed to new applications. The scheme, administered by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on behalf of Defra, aims to support the…

  • UK fishing industry prices up but profits down in 2022

    UK fishing industry prices up but profits down in 2022

    6th September 2023

    Seafish has released financial estimates that put numbers to the difficulties faced by the UK fishing industry last year. The dataset is based on information on financial performance gathered from vessel owners during the 2022 Fleet Survey. The data collected…

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