8 October 2019Public Notice (Scotland): Application in respect of seabed preparation works for the construction of the Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farmby Tracey Parsons
8 October 2019Public Notice (Scotland): Application by Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Limited in respect of clearance of unexploded ordnanceby Tracey Parsons
8 October 2019Public Notice (North West): North Western IFCA to apply for confirmation of Byelaw 3 Cockle and Mussel Hand Gathering Permit 2019 & Byelaw 4 Potting Permit Byelaw 2019by Tracey Parsons
8 October 2019Public Notice (Kent & Essex): Notice of intention to apply for confirmation of Vessel Length and Engine Power Byelaw.by Tracey Parsons
8 October 2019Public Notice: The MMO has carried out an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) in relation to the Aggregate Dredge Area 1803 Bassurelle Extension.by Tracey Parsons
8 October 2019Public Notice (Essex): Amended Notice of consultation regarding changes to proposed application for Development Consent Order to construct, operate and decommission the Thurrock Flexible Generation Plant, Tilbury Marshes.by Tracey Parsons