Fishing nostalgia

  • Diamond Lives: Wreck And Rescue

    Diamond Lives: Wreck And Rescue

    24th January 2022

    110 years ago this month, a Hull trawler perished when she ran aground after crewmen mistook deadly white cliffs for snow. Brian W Lavery tells of the Diamond, the skipper who saved every soul aboard – and what became of…

  • Black Friday: The Eyemouth Fishing Disaster

    Black Friday: The Eyemouth Fishing Disaster

    29th October 2021

    One hundred and forty years ago this month, the Scottish port of Eyemouth suffered Britain’s worst ever fishing disaster, when 189 men and boys perished on what locals still call Black Friday. Brian W Lavery recalls the tragedy Eyemouth’s fishermen…

  • North Shields: Pictures Seeking Captions

    North Shields: Pictures Seeking Captions

    29th September 2021

    Photographer Laszlo Torday documented the North East of England, including the North Shields fishing industry, for decades. Yet little is known of him – or about his pictures. Brian W Lavery reports… Day after day, year after year, he went…

  • Funding enables Scottish Fisheries Museum digitisation project

    Funding enables Scottish Fisheries Museum digitisation project

    16th July 2021

    A grant from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Digital Innovation and Engagement Fund is set to enable the Scottish Fisheries Museum’s Fish Net project, which will produce a digitised, publicly accessible archive.…

  • Bobby Brown BEM: A life fishing

    Bobby Brown BEM: A life fishing

    16th July 2021

    The sea was in his blood – Robert Charles ‘Bobby’ Brown was born in 1901 into a prolific fishing family. His father Charlie and uncles were all fishermen, and he went to sea from the age of six. The family…

  • All coming out in the Wash

    All coming out in the Wash

    7th May 2021

    The approaching expiry of the Wash Fishery Order has brought the growing disquiet about local fishery management to a head. John Worrall reports… There is a funny smell around the doings of Eastern IFCA. It isn’t the whiff of rotting…

  • Recycled currach launched on St Patrick’s Day

    Recycled currach launched on St Patrick’s Day

    26th March 2021

    An Irish fishing currach, built in Spain using only recycled and salvaged materials, was launched on St Patrick’s Day last week, reports Lorna Siggins. A currach made from recycled materials by Irish artist Mark Redden… Named Saoirse, the Irish word…

  • Lowestoft: of herring and a harbour

    Lowestoft: of herring and a harbour

    12th March 2021

    Fishing from Lowestoft was transformed by an ambitious piece of 19th-century engineering. John Worrall reports It was mainly about herring, going back as far – and further – than we can trace. Landings at Lowestoft increased dramatically with the greater…

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