
  • Coronavirus crisis – Industry facing economic meltdown

    Coronavirus crisis – Industry facing economic meltdown

    23rd March 2020

    Joint industry-government action group set up The coronavirus emergency is creating a ‘profound economic crisis’ for the UK fishing industry and ‘potentially existential challenges’ for some businesses, reports Tim Oliver. The crisis is hitting all sectors and regions of the…

  • Fishing News Awards 2020

    20th March 2020

    In light of the ongoing coronavirus situation, it is with great regret that we have decided to cancel the presentation evening for the Fishing News Awards 2020, previously scheduled for May 14th. The Awards programme will otherwise continue as planned.…

  • Scots quota trials

    Scots quota trials

    16th March 2020

    Scots trial new Quota Management Groups QMGs will run alongside POs until end of 2021 New arrangements for managing quotas through new legal bodies called quota management groups (QMGs) are being trialled in Scotland. These organisations, which will have to…

  • Scots inshore fleet tracking

    Scots inshore fleet tracking

    9th March 2020

    VMS and cameras for Scots under-12m fleet Scallopers first to be fitted with electronic kit Installation of remote electronic monitoring (REM) equipment on Scottish inshore vessels will begin with scallop vessels in Shetland in April, reports Tim Oliver. REM monitoring…

  • Retain and report American lobsters

    Retain and report American lobsters

    5th March 2020

    One newcomer to our waters that is definitely not welcome here is the American (or Canadian) lobster. Debbie Murphy and Chris Barrett of CEFAS offer advice on the new DEFRA ‘Retain and Report’ campaign Keen-eyed fishers around England occasionally notice…

  • Brexit battle begins

    Brexit battle begins

    2nd March 2020

    UK and EU polarised on fishing as trade talks start UK: ‘We’ll walk away if no agreement by June’ The UK government says it will walk away from the Brexit EU trade and fisheries talks if there is not the…

  • Scrap catch app campaign

    Scrap catch app campaign

    24th February 2020

    English under-10s slam mobile Catch App ‘Complete rethink’ needed, minister told Pressure is mounting from the English under-10m sector for the recently introduced electronic Catch App reporting system to be scrapped or suspended, reports Tim Oliver Fishermen have reported endless…

  • EU toughens fisheries demands

    EU toughens fisheries demands

    17th February 2020

    EU fishing states demand harder line on access and quotas Negotiating stance toughens ahead of deadline to agree Barnier’s mandate A new draft of the EU’s negotiating mandate for the talks on its future relationship with the UK shows that…

  • Scots prawn grounds probe

    Scots prawn grounds probe

    10th February 2020

    Win-win for Scots prawn creel and trawl fleets Gains for both if access redistributed, says new research A new report from Marine Scotland on the Scottish Nephrops (prawn) fishery says there could be economic gains for the Nephrops fleet if…

  • Lifejacket aircraft checks

    Lifejacket aircraft checks

    3rd February 2020

    Air patrols to check PFDs at sea MCA to step up fleet monitoring and ILO 188 compliance enforcement The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is to use surveillance aircraft to check that fishermen are wearing lifejackets at sea, reports Tim…

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