Celtic Sea

  • New Issue: Fishing News 03.10.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 03.10.19

    1st October 2019

      – NS cod loses MSC label – New whitefish markets progressing well in Shetland – Climate change damaging marine life – Spain: ‘No change for two years’ if no-deal Brexit – Barnier commits EU support to EUFA – Port…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 22.08.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 22.08.19

    20th August 2019

      – ‘UK can’t protect EEZ’ – Sustainable fishing boosts EU fleet – Anglo-Spanish longliner remains stranded off Shetland – Mackerel as far north as Spitsbergen – French threaten Channel blockade – Agreement between vessels as Windsock reopened – Fire…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 08.08.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 08.08.19

    6th August 2019

    – PM Brexit fishing pledge – ‘Revise discards ban rules urgently’ – Eustice back as fisheries minister -EU directs Ireland to investigate its application of CFP rules – Anglo-French deal to stop ‘scallop wars’ – No-deal Brexit ‘disastrous’ for UK…

  • Brussels reveals 2019 TACs

    Brussels reveals 2019 TACs

    12th November 2018

    Gains and losses in 2019 TAC proposals Proposed TACs for 2019 show increases for 27 of the 89 stocks involved, 35 to stay the same, and decreases for 22 stocks, reports Tim Oliver Of the main stocks of interest to…


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