• Quota shortfall will leave boats struggling 

    Quota shortfall will leave boats struggling 

    28th June 2021

    Businesses ‘will look to consolidate’ A Scottish industry leader has warned that there is a big shortfall in some key quotas for whitefish vessels this year that will see some boats without enough quota to last the year, reports Tim…

  • Call to cancel Channel fly-dragger licences 

    Call to cancel Channel fly-dragger licences 

    15th June 2021

    Impact on stocks threatens inshore fleet survival, MPs told Increasing numbers of powerful foreign-owned fly-draggers in the English Channel and North Sea and their impact on stocks are an ‘existential threat’ to the UK coastal fleet, reports Tim Oliver. This…

  • Norway and Faroe increase mackerel quotas by ‘reckless’ 55%

    Norway and Faroe increase mackerel quotas by ‘reckless’ 55%

    8th June 2021

    SPFA and SFA call for ‘action at highest level’ Massive unilateral mackerel quota grabs by Norway and Faroe have been widely condemned throughout the UK and European pelagic fishing sector, including the supply chain, reports Tim Oliver. Norway last week…

  • EU-UK deal will allow quota swaps

    EU-UK deal will allow quota swaps

    3rd June 2021

    The UK and EU have agreed a fisheries deal that will set TACs for jointly managed stocks for 2021, reports Tim Oliver. It will allow vital quota exchanges between the two sides this year, and clarifies access limits for non-quota…

  • No deal with Norway hits whitefish fleet

    No deal with Norway hits whitefish fleet

    10th May 2021

    No access to Norwegian waters or quota transfers  Industry leaders on both sides of the Scottish border have warned of a very tough year ahead for whitefish boats after the UK and Norway failed to reach agreement on fisheries opportunities…

  • Courageous: New 28.1m whitefish stern trawler joins Whalsay fleet

    Courageous: New 28.1m whitefish stern trawler joins Whalsay fleet

    30th April 2021

    Skippers Ian Shearer and Malcolm Reid and the crew of the latest addition to the Shetland fleet, the single-rig whitefish stern trawler Courageous LK 470, quickly started to prove the fishing credentials of their new vessel earlier this month, reports…

  • New issue: Fishing News 29.04.21

    New issue: Fishing News 29.04.21

    28th April 2021

    In this issue of Fishing News, our lead story is Tim Oliver’s report on Shetland fishermen wanting the Scottish government to take action against large fleets of foreign gill-netters working off Shetland, Plus the latest news and features from the…

  • Legal Moves On LBM Exports

    Legal Moves On LBM Exports

    12th April 2021

    ‘Nothing we can do if EU wants to ban LBM imports’ DEFRA secretary George Eustice told a Commons committee that DEFRA did fully understand the legal aspects of the EU ban on exports of live bivalve molluscs (LBMs) for purification…

  • 2021 TACs signal new era

    2021 TACs signal new era

    2nd November 2020

    Brussels 2021 TAC proposals ‘an empty document’ Annual talks mired in uncertainty A sign of the huge changes that Brexit signals for fisheries management has come with the publication of the European Commission’s proposals for NE Atlantic and North Sea…


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