climate change

  • COP26: Planning for a climate-smart future

    COP26: Planning for a climate-smart future

    2nd November 2021

    Kate Morris and Andrew F Johnson of the MarineSPACE group at The Lyell Centre, Heriot-Watt University take a look at what COP could mean for your fishing operation With the UK acting as host for the COP26 summit, the national…

  • COP26: Climate Change And Scottish Stocks

    COP26: Climate Change And Scottish Stocks

    1st November 2021

    Tara Marshall, senior lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Aberdeen, looks at issues facing Scottish fishermen, who are already suffering from the effects of warming North Sea temperatures The impacts of fishing on fish stocks…

  • Seafish launches climate change campaign

    Seafish launches climate change campaign

    29th October 2021

    Seafish is urging seafood businesses across the country to get up to speed on the impacts of climate change – both on seafood businesses, and by them. In its new campaign, Seafish is highlighting the importance of both mitigation –…

  • NGOs call for more cuts in fishing to save climate

    NGOs call for more cuts in fishing to save climate

    23rd August 2021

    Record stocks ‘disprove claims of overfishing’ Scottish industry leaders have hit out angrily at calls by a coalition of leading green groups for the Scottish government to reduce bottom trawling and introduce a raft of other restrictive measures to fight…

  • NGOs: ‘All vessels must have REM and VMS’

    NGOs: ‘All vessels must have REM and VMS’

    23rd August 2021

    Launching their new report – ‘Shifting gears – achieving climate-smart fisheries’ – WWF, the RSPB and the MCS call for a raft of restrictive measures aimed mainly at trawling but also including REM and VMS on all vessels fishing in…

  • Ramsgate: Kent’s royal harbour

    Ramsgate: Kent’s royal harbour

    15th April 2021

    The fishing community in Ramsgate has a long history – but an uncertain future, reports John Periam  Ramsgate harbour, built between 1787 and 1795 by John Smeaton, has the distinction of being the United Kingdom’s only royal harbour. Like many…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 03.10.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 03.10.19

    1st October 2019

      – NS cod loses MSC label – New whitefish markets progressing well in Shetland – Climate change damaging marine life – Spain: ‘No change for two years’ if no-deal Brexit – Barnier commits EU support to EUFA – Port…

  • Wind farms threat grows

    Wind farms threat grows

    12th August 2019

    Wind farms taking grounds and damaging marine life Controls being relaxed to combat climate change Industry organisations are increasingly alarmed at the accelerating loss of fishing grounds and damage to marine life being caused by the relentless expansion of offshore…

  • Cod, haddock and herring predicted to leave warming Scottish waters

    Cod, haddock and herring predicted to leave warming Scottish waters

    13th November 2017

    Cod, herring and haddock may vanish from Scotland’s west coast waters by the turn of the century because of global warming. Above: Marine ecologist Dr Natalia Serpetti. Researchers at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), near Oban, have predicted that…


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