
  • North Sea cod workshop planned this year

    North Sea cod workshop planned this year

    6th June 2022

    There are hopes for a more realistic TAC for North Sea cod next year, after ICES agreed to hold an international workshop later this year with industry representatives to look in-depth at the stock situation and stock assessments, reports Tim…

  • Scots landings up 11% – but number of fishers down

    Scots landings up 11% – but number of fishers down

    27th May 2022

    Marine Scotland has published the Provisional Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics for 2021, showing an increase of 11% in landings of seafish and shellfish on 2020. The statistics include a summary of provisional data on landings by Scottish-registered vessels, the size…

  • Next steps agreed on industry cod surveys

    Next steps agreed on industry cod surveys

    4th April 2022

    North Sea leaders plan joint approach to shared problem Skippers and industry representatives from the main North Sea fishing nations met in Copenhagen at the end of March to work together to improve the scientific surveys that inform the setting…

  • 2022 quota cuts renew cod choke threat

    2022 quota cuts renew cod choke threat

    11th January 2022

    With the usual proviso that these figures are provisional, may not fully reflect international swaps, and in the case of 2021 uptake figures are subject to further revision, the table below outlines the main demersal quotas for 2022. The uptake…

  • Four reasons to raise North Sea cod quotas

    Four reasons to raise North Sea cod quotas

    29th September 2021

    Shetland Fishermen’s Association executive officer Simon Collins puts the on-the-grounds case for realistic cod quotas next year If fisheries ministers and their officials are sick and tired about the fishing industry going on and on about North Sea cod quotas,…

  • SFA: ‘Don’t cut cod quotas next year’

    SFA: ‘Don’t cut cod quotas next year’

    15th September 2021

    Science out of step with abundance Fishermen in Shetland are warning Scottish and UK government ministers to think twice about cutting cod quotas next year, after official figures showed there were 285m cod in the North Sea, reports Tim Oliver.…

  • Bigger North Sea cod TAC would still let stock grow

    Bigger North Sea cod TAC would still let stock grow

    27th July 2021

    An increase of 30% in the amount of cod caught in the North Sea next year would still allow the stock to substantially increase in size, says the Shetland Fishermen’s Association. And even under a doubling of the total allowable…

  • Shetland anger as foreign boats take over grounds

    Shetland anger as foreign boats take over grounds

    28th April 2021

    Call for Scots government to act  Shetland fishermen want the Scottish government to take action against large fleets of foreign gill-netters working off Shetland, reports Tim Oliver. They say the vessels close off large areas of their traditional trawling grounds…

  • Historic shared stocks deal

    Historic shared stocks deal

    22nd March 2021

    UK, Norway and EU agree TACs for shared N Sea stocks Big cuts in cod and saithe but more haddock and whiting The UK agreed its first deal as an independent coastal state on Tuesday last week when it reached…

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