
  • New EU export rules in force from 15 January

    New EU export rules in force from 15 January

    14th January 2022

    Businesses exporting fishery and aquaculture products for human consumption to the EU and Northern Ireland will have to comply with new export regulations from this weekend. New export health certificates (EHCs) are now required alongside products to confirm that certain…

  • Brussels calls time in French licences row

    Brussels calls time in French licences row

    6th December 2021

    Focus ‘must shift to fisheries management’ The EU Commission is reported to have set a deadline of this Friday (10 December) for any outstanding disputed French licences to be resolved, reports Tim Oliver. Jersey industry representatives who met Jersey ministers…

  • Commission proposal to end vessel fuel exemptions progresses

    Commission proposal to end vessel fuel exemptions progresses

    2nd December 2021

    The European Association of Producer Organisations (EAPO) wrote this week to the European Commission outlining members’ concerns about the EU Commission Energy Taxation Directive, which it says will threaten the viability of many fishing vessels. The revised directive, proposed in…

  • Eustice: ‘Exclusive 6-12 zone major aim in 2026’

    Eustice: ‘Exclusive 6-12 zone major aim in 2026’

    23rd November 2021

    Achieving an exclusive 6-12nm zone for UK vessels in 2026, when the Brexit fisheries deal is due to be renegotiated, will be a major objective for the UK government, according to DEFRA secretary George Eustice. NFFO outgoing chairman Andrew Pascoe…

  • France withdraws licence threats as talks continue

    France withdraws licence threats as talks continue

    8th November 2021

    Jersey warns of dangers of giving in France withdrew its threats to retaliate against the UK in the licensing dispute last week, as the sides continued to negotiate over whether more French licences can be granted, reports Tim Oliver. More…

  • Swedish leader: ‘Future of EU industry at risk’

    Swedish leader: ‘Future of EU industry at risk’

    3rd November 2021

    A Swedish fishermen’s leader says the EU fishing industry and marine environment face a crisis that threatens the future of the EU industry. Peter Ronelöv Olsson, chairman of the Swedish fishermen’s PO, set out his concerns for the future of…

  • Early December target for 2022 fishing talks agreement

    Early December target for 2022 fishing talks agreement

    6th October 2021

    UK officials and ministers are aiming to reach an agreement with the EU on fishing opportunities for 2022 by 10 December, according to the NFFO. The federation says the two sides hope to avoid ‘the prolonged and torturous process’ that…

  • Brexit TCA set to cost industry ‘hundreds of millions’ by 2026

    Brexit TCA set to cost industry ‘hundreds of millions’ by 2026

    5th October 2021

    A new detailed cost/benefit analysis of the outcome of Brexit for UK fishermen has found that the industry is on track to lose hundreds of millions of pounds by 2026, unless changes are secured through international fisheries negotiations. The findings…

  • French fury as UK announces 6-12 licences

    French fury as UK announces 6-12 licences

    4th October 2021

    Only 12 of 47 applications granted for under-12s French officials and politicians have reacted furiously to the UK publication of a list of EU under-12m vessels that will be licensed to fish in the UK six to 12-mile zone, reports…


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