
  • New Issue: Fishing News 18.06.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 18.06.20

    16th June 2020

      – No-fishing zones planned – Fishing News Awards celebrate industry success – Brexit trade talks remain stuck on fisheries – New Kestrel for Shetland – Next Irish Skipper Expo to be held March 2021 – World stocks in good…

  • Whitefish effort cuts

    Whitefish effort cuts

    6th April 2020

    High consumer demand for limited whitefish supplies The small amount of whitefish available in Scotland last week secured good prices as buyers strived to meet contract requirements from key consumers, including supermarkets, in the run-up to Easter week, reports David…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 28.11.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 28.11.19

    26th November 2019

    – Access questions dodged – New crabber Dalwhinnie arrives at Stonehaven – Shetland team effort assists Rosebloom – Fishing industry seeks support for Dec 2020 CFP exit – FFL: ‘Boris deal will lock us into CFP’ – Scots creel men…

  • New Zephyr for longstanding Whalsay partnership

    New Zephyr for longstanding Whalsay partnership

    8th November 2019

    North Sea mackerel, fished in close proximity to Shetland, was the first target species for the new Whalsay 75.4m midwater trawler Zephyr LK 394, when skipper Allister Irvine and crew started to establish the boat’s fishing credentials, reports David Linkie…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 24.10.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 24.10.19

    22nd October 2019

      – Brexit deal agreed – Scots government under fire over static gear losses – 2018 record whitefish year for Shetland – UK fisheries agreement signed with Faroe Islands – French company to monitor UK vessels – Crowds brave weather…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 19.09.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 19.09.19

    17th September 2019

    – VMS prosecutions concern – Shetland skippers urge ‘common sense’ on N. Sea cod – Wild Atlantic salmon ‘facing extinction’ fear – New industry-led youth board – Brexit and beyond – ‘Quota interests dominate Brexit coverage’ claims report – Go-ahead…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 07.02.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 07.02.19

    5th February 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Brexit chance to reset quota shares – MMO apology over under-10 quota confusion – New Shetland fishmarkets at the double – Inshore fishermen blamed for plastic waste on beaches – FFL…

  • New Lerwick whitefish market rapidly taking shape

    New Lerwick whitefish market rapidly taking shape

    23rd December 2018

    Good progress is being made on the construction of a custom-designed new whitefish market, completion of which will more than double the landing capacity at the Shetland port. Whitefish boats are expected to start landing into the new facility in…


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