
  • Beaming from Brixham

    Beaming from Brixham

    9th May 2020

    Photographer Tony Fitzsimmons records observations and conversations from a stormy January trip on the beam trawler Julie of Ladram Following my week at sea onboard the Waterdance vessel Sam of Ladram, next up on my list was the Julie of…

  • Socially distanced prawn party in Ullapool supports local fleet

    Socially distanced prawn party in Ullapool supports local fleet

    6th May 2020

    Children’s marine conservation charity Ullapool Sea Savers held a community-wide prawn party to support local fishermen and boost morale last weekend. The Sea Savers has a record of successful campaigning on marine issues. Before the Covid-19 outbreak, it received a…

  • New interactive map for direct sales

    New interactive map for direct sales

    1st May 2020

    The Fish on Friday website – a collaborative project initiated by the Fishmongers’ Company – aims to reconnect the British public with their local fisheries and coastal communities. It has just launched an interactive map that connects people in all…

  • Parcels of kindness for Norfolk and Suffolk

    Parcels of kindness for Norfolk and Suffolk

    29th April 2020

    SeaFit and FishWell are striving to find creative ways of continuing to support local fishing communities, and have teamed up with the Eastern Seafish Training Association (ESTA) to deliver Parcels of Kindness. The first 75 of 350 parcels, containing a…

  • The Glaven ports – long trips from small places

    The Glaven ports – long trips from small places

    24th April 2020

    Notwithstanding the current crisis, fishing today is a lot easier than it used to be. John Worrall delves deep into Norfolk fishing history Consider this. On an early spring day, in a small creek on the east coast of medieval…

  • Inshore Corner: Seals have the upper hand

    Inshore Corner: Seals have the upper hand

    16th April 2020

    Though many fishermen have compassion for marine mammals, it rarely extends to the British grey seal. Over the years, I have witnessed huge financial losses to fishermen from the ever-growing seal population in British waters. The Torquay fishermen: left to…

  • The diesel doctor

    The diesel doctor

    10th April 2020

    Peter Weide, director of MarShip, continues his occasional series with advice on fuel contaminants – and how to deal with them Last time, we looked at the problems associated with modern diesel (Fishing News, 12 December). This month, we are…


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