• PM Brexit fishing pledge

    PM Brexit fishing pledge

    5th August 2019

    Johnson guarantees no Brexit fisheries and trade link ‘We’ll leave CFP by December 2020’ Prime minister Boris Johnson has pledged that fisheries will not be traded away in Brexit negotiations, and that access to markets will not be linked to…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 11.04.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 11.04.19

    9th April 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – ‘No CFP exit delay’ call – Fruitful Bough launched at Whitby – Kilkeel ‘Cookery School of the Year’ – New fisheries minister visits Peterhead – Scallop conference shows way ahead –…

  • ‘No CFP exit delay’ call

    ‘No CFP exit delay’ call

    8th April 2019

    ‘We must leave CFP by end of 2020’ – Federations’ message to minister at Westminster event Industry leaders and representatives told new fisheries minister Robert Goodwill, MPs and Lords last week that whatever else happens, they must not delay the…

  • Reset quota shares

    Reset quota shares

    4th February 2019

    Brexit is one-off chance to change quota system. Inshore leader calls for revamp to help coastal communities. An inshore fishermen’s leader has spelled out that Brexit will provide the government with a one-off opportunity to completely reset the quota allocation system…

  • Chokes dominate council

    Chokes dominate council

    1st January 2019

    Council moves to avoid chokes as discards ban kicks in Efforts to avoid choke species, particularly those with zero TACs, dominated difficult two-day December council negotiations that brought cuts in some important TACs but increases in others, reports Tim Oliver…

  • Warnings on discards ban

    Warnings on discards ban

    5th November 2018

    Discards ban ‘will fail’ warns Scottish leader Calls for solutions to choke species problem The discards ban will fail in its present form, and politicians must find a solution to the problem of choke species it creates, a Scottish fishermen’s…

  • Fisheries Bill:  ‘watershed moment’ for industry

    Fisheries Bill:  ‘watershed moment’ for industry

    30th October 2018

    Fisheries Bill:  ‘watershed moment’ for industry By Michael Gove, Secretary of State Some of my earliest memories are of joining my dad at the fish merchant’s business he ran in Aberdeen. It was set up by my grandfather, and generations of my…

  • Fisheries bill opens new era

    Fisheries bill opens new era

    29th October 2018

    Fisheries bill sets scene for life after CFP The government has launched its landmark fisheries bill, which sets out the legal basis of the post-Brexit fisheries management regime, reports Tim Oliver. Industry leaders gave a cautious welcome to the document,…

  • A decade to be fully free of CFP

    A decade to be fully free of CFP

    30th May 2018

    More realism needed on Brexit process, industry told Specialists who have studied the legal implications for the UK fishing industry of Brexit and leaving the CFP believe the transition period will last for much longer than the initial 21-month period,…

  • Industry betrayed

    Industry betrayed

    26th March 2018

    Government blasted as industry locked into CFP for three more years A torrent of outrage, anger and disappointment spilled out from across the UK industry last week after the announcement of the Brexit transition deal that will lock the UK…

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