Inshore Corner

  • New Issue: Fishing News 25.02.21

    New Issue: Fishing News 25.02.21

    23rd February 2021

    – Fight to break free of CFP – ‘Act now to save industry’, Gove told – KFO: Burden-sharing ‘imperative’ for survival of Irish industry – Last of early-year mackerel landed at Peterhead – EU seeks ‘payback’ from Ireland over under-reporting…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 26.11.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 26.11.20

    24th November 2020

        – Export red tape fears – Low-key start to Manx king scallop fishery – Resolute arrives at Fraserburgh – Threat of 48-hour delays to move fish – Eleventh-hour Brexit talks continue – Wash Fishery Order replacement consultation –…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 05.11.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 05.11.20

    4th November 2020

      – 2021 TACs signal new era – MMO plans controls on five MPAs – ‘Bitterly disappointing’ decision on foreign crewing – ‘Remain steadfast’, EU communities tell Brussels – EU ‘privileges cheap imported fish’ – EUFA: ‘UK must lose extra…

  • Inshore Corner – More questions than answers

    9th October 2020

    The final (if not conclusive) part of the series on geometry in line fishing With four recent days of sluggish neap tides, fair winds and sunshine, my pal skipper Colin Barden and I carried out tests to discover the diving…

  • Inshore Corner: Geometry in line fishing

    Inshore Corner: Geometry in line fishing

    16th July 2020

    The second in a three-part series on how mathematics can multiply your returns If geometry is critical in trawling, is it when towing lines with pollack boards? In my opinion, it is. Being aware of what is happening to the…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 25.06.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 25.06.20

    23rd June 2020

      – Gear war off Shetland – Signs of EU compromise on fisheries deal – Fishermen ‘relieved’ – MMO defers app prosecution threat – £8.2m Covid-19 support paid out to 900 Scots vessels – Ewing calls for bigger share of…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 23.04.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 23.04.20

    21st April 2020

        – Grants for Welsh fleet – NFFO ramps up pressure for package in England – PO chief to Eustice: ‘England being left behind’ – EMFF aid for halted fishing – Frustrations in Irish fleet over Covid response delays…

  • Inshore Corner: Seals have the upper hand

    Inshore Corner: Seals have the upper hand

    16th April 2020

    Though many fishermen have compassion for marine mammals, it rarely extends to the British grey seal. Over the years, I have witnessed huge financial losses to fishermen from the ever-growing seal population in British waters. The Torquay fishermen: left to…

  • Inshore Corner with Phil Lockley – Beating the rules in wood

    Inshore Corner with Phil Lockley – Beating the rules in wood

    22nd March 2020

    In the second part of his series on the ‘rule-beaters’, Phil Lockley investigates the effects of the ‘10m rule’ on wooden boatbuilding History reveals that most vessels built from wood that were considered ‘rule-beaters’ were not actually made to beat…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 19.03.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 19.03.20

    18th March 2020

        – Scots quota trials – Question over future of POs post-Brexit – UK fleet returned lower catch value & quantity in 2019 – ‘Spanish fleet must have access to UK waters’ – ‘Look after fishermen as well as…


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