North Sea

  • New Issue: Fishing News 27.08.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 27.08.20

    25th August 2020

      – Supertrawler invasion – Fishermen who saved paddleboarders hailed as heroes – 700-mile kayaker raises £9,000+ for Mission – Pressures on North Sea cod fishery – Two rescued after capsize in North Sea – UK vessel owners asked to…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 02.07.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 02.07.20

    30th June 2020

        – North Sea cod fishing cut – Support Mission ‘world’s biggest fish finger sandwich’ – NFFO: ‘No compulsory onboard cameras’ – Keel laid of first Parkol build for Ireland – Greens push for rigid MSY and onboard cameras…

  • N Sea cod fishing cut

    N Sea cod fishing cut

    29th June 2020

    N Sea cod cuts will hit Scots fleet Tight restrictions from 1 July Fishermen working in the northern North Sea look set to be hit next month with new restrictions aimed at protecting cod stocks, reports Tim Oliver. The European…

  • The Glaven ports – long trips from small places

    The Glaven ports – long trips from small places

    24th April 2020

    Notwithstanding the current crisis, fishing today is a lot easier than it used to be. John Worrall delves deep into Norfolk fishing history Consider this. On an early spring day, in a small creek on the east coast of medieval…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 09.01.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 09.01.20

    8th January 2020

      – North Sea cod cut blast – Cornwall: This Fishing Life – BBC2 documentary – Cod choke risk in 7d ‘may be avoided’ – NFFO chief blasts greens’ ‘obstruction’ – SW leader: Let’s get out of this ‘mad’ system –…

  • North Sea cod cut blast

    North Sea cod cut blast

    6th January 2020

    N Sea cod cut ‘may end fishery as we know it’ Greens, Brussels and MSY under fire Eight fishermen’s organisations with North Sea interests have blasted the decision taken at the December Fisheries Council to cut the North Sea cod…

  • East Anglia group sets out long-term plan

    East Anglia group sets out long-term plan

    19th November 2019

    Big opportunity after Brexit, says REAF Brexit could provide the opportunity to increase UK vessel quota catches in the southern North Sea by seven times their value, and UK vessel non-quota catches by 25%, reports Tim Oliver That would add…


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